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In South Africa, we spent a total of R29,034.08 South African Rand (SAR), which equates to roughly $2,211.08 US Dollars (USD).*
We spent 20 days in South Africa, which brought our Average Daily Spend (ADS) in the country to $110.55 per day. ADS is comprised of all of our expenses for both of us, including Accommodations, Food and Drink, Local Transportation, Activities and Entertainment, Alcohol, Living Expenses and Toiletries, Souvenirs, and Mishaps (unexpected expenses). ADS does not include transportation between cities or countries. Those expenses are tracked separately.
For examples of pricing of certain things in South Africa, how we classify items, or a further breakdown of a certain ADS category, see our full spending report below!
*When using the average conversion rate during our stay of R13.13 SAR = $1 USD. If you are interested in seeing the daily conversion rates from our time in South Africa, please click here.
Food & Drink
Local Transportation
Activities & Entertainment
Living Expenses & Toiletries
Have any questions about any of our expenses or how we categorize our budget? Let us know in the comments!
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Carlos is a finance and hospitality sourcing professional and half of the budget travel duo, Happy Nomad Couple. He is from Las Vegas, USA and has been to 34 countries on 6 continents. He’s the money management and navigation pro who documents all the spending for him & Ashly and gets them where they’re going.
Find me on: Web | Instagram